10 Shopify Apps To Boost Your Profitability

A huge part of building a successful Shopify store is building a powerful app stack.

According to Exploding Topics, the average Shopify store has 6 apps installed, but after working on 120+ highly active stores, the number of installed apps is usually quite higher, especially when we factor operational apps. 

I’ve even seen a store with more than 40 apps installed! That’s crazy!

With that being said, there are still some apps that we’ve found to be incredibly useful and powerful for driving profits to Shopify brand owners. 

For this write up, I’m going to focus on your CRO and front end apps, but I’ll cover more operational apps in a future write up.

Keep reading to learn about the ten best Shopify apps that your store needs to unlock maximum profitability in 2023.

As you read this, keep in mind that most stores won’t need all of these, but if your brand needs any of this functionality, these are the apps that I’ve found to be the best in terms of reliability, customization, customer support, and price!

Stamped: There are a lot of review apps on the market, but Stamped has been one of the most reliable and customizable apps that we’ve worked with. There are quite a few widgets out the box and the back end review collection process is very user friendly and moldable around how your customers will use your products. 

Upcart: The cart is one of the most commonly overlooked and under-optimized elements on Shopify stores. With Upcart, you’ll have all of the tools you need to build a high-converting cart that also helps boost your AOV by making it easy to add upsells and multi-tiered rewards.

Aftersell: Upsells are always a tricky line to walk because too much selling can have a negative impact on conversion. With Aftersell, you can implement post-purchase upsells to help boost your AOV without sacrificing and pre-purchase trust.

Fairing: Zero-party data is some of the most valuable data you can collect. With Fairing, you can build customizable post purchase surveys to gather insights into why someone purchased, how they found you, any issues they had pre-purchase and more. This is a powerful CRO tool to gain information about people’s purchase behavior. Plus it integrates with Triple Whale!

Triple Whale: Speaking of Triple Whale, this attribution app will help you get the accurate data that you need to scale your brand in the right places. With Triple Whale, you can start seeing the impact that your different marketing channels are having on your bottom like and you track key metrics such as your MER.

Monk: Easily boost your AOV and collect data around specific upsell and cross sell combinations. The best part about Monk is the analytics that you can collect around your upsells to learn exactly how your customers are buying. Plus, the gift with purchase functionality is an awesome way to run special offers while reducing friction with your customers.

JustUno: One of the best zero-party data collection tools I’ve ever used! My favorite tool to use with JustUno is their popup because you can ask your shoppers a few extra questions to segment them in your email marketing and give them hyper-personalized emails that they will actually care about. 

Octane ai: For stores with larger catalogs or for stores that are selling high-education products, quizzes can be a great way to guide people to the right products while helping you gather emails. Supplement brands and beauty brands that offer products that are specific to each person’s need can see huge CVR increases with quizzes!

Social Snowball: Word of mouth marketing is a great way to get low cost, but high-quality traffic and Social Snowball makes it easy to implement a word of mouth marketing program. Plus, if you’re working with influencers, their safe-link tool is a great way to improve your profitability and accurate payouts.

HotJar: Perhaps the most important tool for your CRO is your heatmapping software. Hotjar gives you all the tools and reporting that you need to make educated improvements to your store based on how your customers are actually using your site.

Like I mentioned earlier, you probably won’t need all of these apps, but these are the ones I recommend in their respective categories.

If you need a specific app for something, reply to the email and I’ll happily help point you in the right direction.