How To Increase Lead Generation Through Your Website

Turn more visitors into high-quality leads.

Hey! Welcome back to Brand Building with Nicholas. This week I have something a little different for you.

I’ve been getting asked more and more about improving lead generation and driving more leads through non-ecommerce sites like on Webflow.

This week I will be breaking down how you can improve your form submissions on your site and collect more leads!

Let’s dive in.

This may seem like a silly question to ask, but why do you have a website? For the vast majority of businesses, your website is a tool to drive sales. 

To put it simply, your website is a tool to help you grow your business. That’s it. The best performance indicator for your website is how much it’s helping you grow your business.

With ecommerce brands, we look towards the conversion rate breakdown to understand website and landing page performance and efficiency. Think of it like this for your Webflow site:

If the same number of people come to your website, but you get more leads, your revenue opportunity goes up. By simply improving your conversion rate, you can start earning more leads, and even higher quality leads, without changing your acquisition strategies or ad spend numbers at all!

So how can we leverage Webflow to get more leads or demos and fill your pipeline with people who are ready to buy?

Keep reading to learn the top six ways to increase your Webflow conversion rate.

Before we get started, it’s absolutely crucial to make sure you have your analytics set up. Webflow doesn’t have a native analytics dashboard like some of the other platforms do, but Webflow makes it easy to add your Google analytics and social pixels. Plus there are other tools like Nocodelytics that are made specifically for Webflow.

Now… let’s dive into the meat and potatoes of growing your business on Webflow!

Defining your audience

Remember the old saying, “it’s better to be everything to someone rather than nothing to everyone”?

For 99% of businesses, that’s how you should think about your website. When someone lands on your website, they should instantly know that your product or service is tailored for them or their business.

But what if you have a few specific audiences?

This is where targeted landing pages come into play.

By building targeted landing pages around specific audiences or offers, this is where you can dial in offers and be laser focused with how you’re selling to your customers.

Now you can really be the ideal solution for numerous customers at the same time.

At the end of the day, the closer to the perfect solution your company can be, the better positioned you’ll be (we’ll cover this in more detail later).

For example, if you are an advertising agency, you could build a landing page around your services while keeping the audience more generalized. But if you build a landing page with your services for a specific audience, brands in that audience will automatically have more trust in your agency.

Brand positioning through design

When it comes to improving your lead generation conversion rate, one of the most important areas to focus on is your brand’s positioning.

Brand positioning is the strategy that you implement to help your customers understand your product and how much value it can bring to them.

A great example of brand positioning is apparent in the automotive industry. When we think about Toyota, Lamborghini, and Ford trucks, we can easily envision exactly where each brand lives in the industry. 

Toyota is positioned as simple and reliable. Lamborghini is positioned as fast and high end. And Ford trucks are positioned as tough vehicles that can last.

Your website’s design has a major impact on how people think about your company. From the layout and language to the graphics and interactions, your design will help people get a sense of where your company is positioned.

By creating a design that matches your audience (like you learned about in the previous section) and matches your positioning, you can effectively influence your buyer’s confidence. And remember, if prospects are confident that your company is the best solution for their needs, your lead generation efforts will go up.

The better you can present a solution to your prospects and position your company as more valuable than their hard earned money, the better off you will be!

Can you deliver?

Now for one of the most important elements to driving conversions… Results.

There are few, if any, elements on your website that can have as much of an impact as results. But what does this look like for your business?

Results can be presented in numerous ways. Here are just a few examples that you can use for your business:

  • Case studies

  • Testimonials

  • Portfolio pieces

  • Profits driven for customers

  • Time saved for customers

  • Average ROI

  • Number of happy customers

  • Client logos

  • Press and PR

But why are results important?

Results help validate your company while showing prospective customers what they can expect when they work with you. Plus results help add trust for your customers and trust is everything! 

Basically you want your prospects to think, “If you did it for them, you can do it for me!”

A great Webflow best-practice that you can implement would be to add a few different types of results on each page. For example, towards the top of your page you can have some numbers that show off your results, then in the middle of the page you can have some case studies, then you can follow those up with some testimonials.

Everybody responds to things differently so having multiple bits of information to connect with different people is very helpful.

Website load times and easy speed fixes

This may seem like the “duh” section of this article, but a fast site is a healthy site. In fact, every second of site speed has a ~4% impact on conversions. This may not seem like a lot, but for high lead volume businesses and/or very slow websites, improving your website’s speed can have a massive impact on your lead counts.

Oftentimes, when websites are slow there are some relatively easy fixes to get load times up. At 253 Media, we audit a lot of websites and here are the most common reasons why websites are slow:

Uncompressed assets - This is probably the most common error that we see and it’s relatively quick and easy to fix, especially with Webflow’s internal image compressor.

Excessive animations - With Webflow’s sophisticated interaction and animation builder, some people go overboard with their website. This can lead to slower load times and can often hurt the overall performance of the site. 

Extra code - Render blocking javascript and messy code can have massive impacts on your site speed. Fortunately, Webflow offers very clean code so this isn’t typically a big problem with most Webflow sites, however it’s typically a bigger issue for non-Webflow websites.

Overall ease of use and navigation

A commonly overlooked and under talked about aspect of conversion rate optimization for Webflow is the actual navigation throughout your site. This includes the header and footer navigation links as well as the intrasite navigation from page to page. 

For example, if you run a service-based company with numerous service offerings, it should be easy for customers to sort through your services to find the one that fits their needs best. Plus it should be easy for prospective customers to find the information they are looking for.

Remember, the whole point of your website is to give people the information they need in order to make an educated buying decision, so make it as easy as possible for people to find the information they need.

The faster and easier it is for people to find the information they need about your product or service, the more inquiries you’ll receive. Think about it, if someone is looking for something specific and they can’t find it, they are much more likely to go to your competitor, especially if your competitor has the information they are looking for.

Is it easy for customers to work with you?

Another issue that we see on a lot of the sites that we audit is that there’s only one way for someone to work with the company.

Think about it… some people like to email, some people like to call, some people like to schedule a demo on a Calendly link. Everybody is different! 

By giving people a few ways to get in touch with you, you can give your prospects the ability to work with you or get more info in the way that works best for them and their given position in their buying journey.

Maybe they aren’t quite ready to schedule a demo? No problem! Give them a form to fill out with their question.

Maybe they are ready to go? Make it easy for them to schedule a demo at a time that works for them.

When it comes to contact methods, more options is a good thing!

The worst thing that can happen is for someone to want to work with you only to lose them because it’s not easy for them to get in touch with a method that works for them. Don’t let that happen!

Utilizing a strong lead magnet

One of the strongest and fastest ways to get more leads with Webflow is to incorporate strong lead magnets in your website. 

If you aren’t familiar, a lead magnet is a special offer or asset that prospects can claim in exchange for their contact information. 

For a simple example, a landscaping company could have a lead magnet that says, “Click here to download your free 6-step guide to having the best lawn in the neighborhood.” Then gate that and make people enter their email address.

Boom! You get contact info and they get a valuable guide.

Now let’s take this a step further.

When it comes to lead magnets the perfect lead magnet is something that educates your prospect and makes them want to implement the information as soon as possible. However, the information you present has some barriers to entry such as skill, time, etc… that makes it easier for them to work with your company than it is to do it themselves.

This magnet should also be designed to position your company as the expert on the subject matter so that when a prospect wants to hire a company, then your company is the no-brainer choice!

At the end of the day, improving your conversion rate for lead generation with Webflow doesn’t need to be overwhelming or over-complicated. By keeping it fast and simple to get the information people are looking for coupled with a strong and accurate brand positioning, you can see your pipeline filled with people who are ready to work with you.